General Rules
We value living wage and have a strict policy on refunds as well as how we handle chargebacks. Please purchase packages and events thoughtfully. Integrity is important so we disclose all policies as terms and conditions and on our website.
Practice kindness on the mat.
Be open to “breathing” as it’s the magic of yoga.
Make space for those around you...especially if someone comes in a tad late.
Grab the props you need & make sure to put them back in a tidy way.
We lock our doors but feel free to take anything of value into the studio.
Turn cell phones off & keep them away from your mat if bringing into the room unless it’s an emergency.
We strongly encourage showers every day that you practice. We strongly discourage heavy scents or perfumes.
Please don’t practice in studio when sick - but do check out our online platform for gentle or breath-oriented practices that might help (if your doctor approves!)
If you need to leave before class is over just let us know.
Be mindful of the fine line between discomfort and pain. Some things may be uncomfortable but we trust you to bring yourself out of any shape in which you feel pain.
Class reservations are managed in your account online or through the Mindbody app. You can book & cancel at any time but our cancelation window closes 4-hours before class starts. Cancelling within the 4-hour window or not showing up for class results in losing that class or being charged a cancellation penalty (if you’re a member with us). Workshops, retreats, and trainings are non-refundable.
Late Policy
While we know the day you are running late is probably the day you most need yoga...we have to have a cut off. If you reserve a class we will wait three minutes to allow you to get in. Otherwise, our studio doors are locked for student & staff safety at the class start time.
What to expect
We are a creative vinyasa studio which means no two classes are alike. We find students come to yoga for a variety of reasons but -- getting stronger, getting more flexible, and managing stress are three common ones. If this sounds like you, we recommend Mindful Hot (stronger), Yin + Flow (flexible) and Yin + Restore (managing stress) as great starting points. We have two studio locations so check your bookings carefully : )
Our teachers generally do not move with the students - we focus our energy & attention on you and encourage you to find the postures in your own body (versus copying a teacher). Our studio strives to be non-competitive, super friendly and low key. We hope you find it as such!
What to wear
Ya don’t need the fancy yoga gear but...there are a few things worth investing in if you find you love the practice. We recommend leggings or slim-fit shorts & a form-fitting tank. As we spend a good bit of time in forward folds & downward dog, baggy shirts and shorts will work against you. Wanna upgrade your fashions? Dry-wick material is always a great investment.
While there are yoga socks & yoga sandals most students go barefoot. Please leave your street shoes out in the lobby!
What to bring
Yoga is a simple practice. To best equip your practice, bring a mat, non-glass water bottle and a hand towel until you get a feel for what you want & need.
There are a range of yoga mats available today and while we are super mindful of keeping yoga accessible, if you enjoy the practice we highly recommend investing in a good mat. It’s better for the environment to find a high quality mat because most last for years (or a lifetime) and it will make a HUGE impact to your practice.

Ready to join us?
Your first step is to create an account... Once you are set up feel free to book away.

Find Us in Summerhill
77 Georgia Ave SE
Atlanta, GA 30312
Email us at info@sacredatlanta.com
We hope you find us seamlessly but just in case…
Our Summerhill studio is located at 77 Georgia Ave in the heart of Summerhill.
We are near GSU Stadium (old Turner Field).
Parking is free on street and in retail lots.
We encourage our students to use the large lot at Fraser & Georgia Ave which is one block diagonal to our studio since parking is ample.