Parent's Morning Out for Kids!
with Sarah & Haley
Saturday, October 26th 10:00-12:00P
Wanna get a breather AND give your kids a big treat? Join us for a special Parent's Morning Out! Sarah & Haley guide yoga for kids 3yrs-6yrs old with crafts, story telling and community making...while you get a much deserved break!
It's gonna be a spooky good time!
This month we'll be celebrating Halloween in a joyous way and help our kiddos find their unique way to enjoy the holiday. We welcome costumes! And we'll be making bags for trick'o'treating... so if you plan to join us in Summerhill that night you're kid will already be ahead of the game.
Frequently Asked Questions
What will my child learn in a kids yoga class? Will they be able to "flow" with me?
Yoga is intended to meet us where we are and bring us into a state of "wholeness". Kids typically don't need yoga asanas the way adults do. Especially with younger kids - their bodies are generally limber, strong, and fit already. Kids will learn yoga postures in class but mastering the postures will come as they age or if they are consistently showing up. If your child is only coming occasionally - they likely won't master the yoga postures but they will get benefits that are often more important to children.... the foundations of a mindfulness practice, opportunities for emotional and social growth, and exposure to ideas like "energy", "the power of breathing", and "being more present".
Most importantly - yoga is often one of the few places that kids (especially older kids) can find themselves in a non-competitive and non-performance based environment. And it is often so needed!
What ages can attend your classes?
Our classes are broken into levels based on their interest & willingness to explore a yoga practice. We give age recommendations but also will allow kids to move between classes based on their interest with your guidance. Please read our class descriptions which will explain what each level teaches and offers examples of things they will learn and should be able to explore when attending that class.
Our Little Yoga classes are recommended for ages 2-4 yrs. These classes are shorter (45 minutes), focus on creative play, story telling, social-emotional learning, opportunities to engage with other child in group play, and exposure to yoga through the use of stories.
Our Sacred Smalls classes are recommended for ages 5-8 yrs. These classes are one hour long. Our sacred smalls will explore breath work, mindfulness techniques (like affirmations, visualization, and some child-friendly meditation). They will continue to explore yoga postures through the use of stories and to explore larger themes (like self-love, compassion, strength). In Sacred Smalls we will use sun salutations and play with a static style of yoga (more like a hatha practice). Your child will move in every class, but how much movement is often guided by the students and the theme.
Our Yoga Club classes are recommended for ages 8-14 yrs** depending upon experience. Yoga club is an hour long practice that looks alot like an adult class but with more opportunities for community and connection. Yoga club's practice explores themes and combines movement, breathwork, meditation and opportunities for rest in every practice. Classes allow time for discussion and may even still pull in elements of art, journaling and story telling but in a more mature and self-expressive way.
**After 14 years children are welcome to join our Gentle Flow and Yin & Restorative practices with their guardian/parent.
Can I attend or watch my child's class?
Children, across the board, do much better at acclimating to yoga if parents are not in the lobby or class. Detaching is sometimes difficult for our "little yogis" and even some "sacred smalls" but we generally see better results when parents are able to detach quickly and allow our teachers to step in and be a bridge.
If your child is new to us and attending "Little Yoga", you are welcome to stay for the first class to help your child get accustom to us. If you are staying you will sit in class and observe, however, as this often changes the experience for the other kids - we limit this to "first class" only and only in Little Yoga, and we promise, while it's hard even the most emotional kids tend to turn around quickly once their parent is out of sight and they lose themselves in the magic of yoga!
Due to the security of our building we do not allow parents to wait in the lobby. We invite you to explore Summerhill, run errands or spend much needed time in solitude!
Do you have other age groups or classes?
Yes. We offer Baby + Me classes for infants and moms. This is run as a four week series and is posted on our adult class schedule.
What is your pricing structure?
Kids Pricing
Single Drop-In
6-Week Series
1 Class a Week for 6 Weeks
Adult + Kids Membership
Includes One Unlimited Monthly Membership for Adults, for use at either location and online
and One Kids Membership with unlimited kids classes and access to Parent's Morning Out